Dari website icimed-com menyediakan ebook (gratis) karya Dr. Martin Dayton tentang terapi khelasi EDTA dengan penjelasan dibawah ini. Semoga bermanfaat.
You are about to read the Case for EDTA Chelation Therapy (PDF). All what was written in the 1995 and in 1999 editions holds true as of 2006. There is also an update for 2006 with commentary regarding other studies and events concerning intravenous chelation therapy of this millennium, past, present and future. The 2006 update immediately follows the book.
The book is reproduced word for word excepting for changes in contact information for organizations. The book is under copy write and therefore reproduction is not permitted for commercial use. Reproduction of the contents for sharing among others such between patients and their doctors, friends and relatives is welcome and encouraged.
Wishing you the best of health,
Dr. Martin Dayton
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Baca juga : Terapi khelasi EDTA
Silahkan juga baca brosur Terapi khelasi EDTA dari klinik SARTIKA.
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